Burbage & Easton Royal Cricket Club is committed to ensuring all Children (i.e all persons under the age of 18 ) and vulnerable adults participating in cricket have a safe and positive experience. The culture of support and safety for all members of the club and community are the foundation of everything that we do on and off the pitch.
We have a safeguarding policy statement, and a number of policies to support this. You can view these below.
Burbage & Easton Royal Cricket Club have achieved the ECB 'Club Mark' status. Developed by ECB and Sport England it sets criteria clubs must work through to gain accreditation.
Successful clubs have shown a commitment to the welfare of its members and wishes to provide well organised,safe, effective and friendly club activities.
This accreditation has to be renewed every 3 years with annual checks.
Documents and Policies
Safeguarding policy statement here
Anti-Bullying policy statement here
Useful Safeguarding contacts here
ECB Anti-Discrmination Code here
Code of conduct for senior members and guests here
Code of conduct for young members:
U8s code of conduct here
8-12s code of conduct here
12-15s code of conduct
15s plus code of
Code of conduct for Parents
Changing rooms and showering policy here
ECB Social Media and Online Safety Policy here
Sun safety guidance here
How to share a concern
If you have any concerns about a child or adult at risk or the behaviour of an adult towards either of these, you should share these immediately. It is natural to feel a little anxious about reporting a safeguarding concern, but remember, it is not your responsibility to decide if abuse or neglect has taken place, but you do have a duty of care to share any concerns you have.
There are a number of ways to report a concern:
If possible and appropriate please make contact with squad
your coach or the lead of the cricket and community section to
raise an issues or concerns. Following this the positions
below will be able to listen and direct you
Our Club Safeguarding Officer is:
Sue Milne mobile 07938 277511 [email protected]
Our County Safeguarding Officers is:
Iestyn Lewis, Wiltshire County Cricket Safeguarding Officer 07774 004662 [email protected]
National Safeguarding:
ECB Welfare Office 0207 432 1222 or [email protected]
Alternatively, concerns can be reported:
Directly to the local Police or Children’s Social Care services; or
The Child Protection in Sport Unit at [email protected]; or
The NSPCC Helpline on 0808 800 5000 or email: [email protected]
If it is an emergency and someone is at immediate risk, then call the Police or Children’s Social Care in your area.
The ECB Safeguarding Referral Form is very useful in creating a referral as it has several questions and tips to ensure you provide all the relevant information.
ECB Safeguarding Referral Form Template Download
Responding to, recording and reporting concerns Download
Recording of information by Club and County Safeguarding Officers Download
Whistleblowing in a safeguarding context means revealing and raising concerns over misconduct or malpractice within an organisation, or within an independent structure associated with it.
It can be used as an early warning system or when it’s recognised that appropriate actions have not been taken.
This approach or policy is adopted in many different walks of life.
Any adult or young person with concerns about a colleague’s conduct towards a child, young person or adult at risk, can report this to the Safeguarding Team by emailing [email protected]
For any other whistleblowing concerns please email [email protected]
ECB whistle blowing policy here
Live Streaming and Photography Policy:
Both Burbage & Easton Royal Cricket Club (BERCC) and the ECB are keen to promote positive images of individuals playing cricket and does not wish to prevent live streaming, video recording, photography or any other form of capture or use of audio-visual materials (‘Streams, Photos and Recordings). However, BERCC & ECB wishes to ensure that Streams, Photos and Recordings within cricket are captured and used appropriately.
Where BERCC plan to utilise live streaming,
photographing or recording a match, prior
approval from the opposition team will be sought at least
48 hrs before the fixture. Where teams,
and umpires indicate they object, the streaming /
photographing / recording will not take place.
Details of our full photography, live streaming and audio visual recording policy is here